
Catalog Product Name / CAS / Description Structure

Spinetoram L (187166-15-0)


It is the minor component in the second generation spinosyn family of bio-insecticides marketed as spinetoram. It is a semi-synthetic compound prepared by selective ethylation and hydrogenation of spinosyn L, and it is also an insecticide.


It is an acid degradation product produced by selective hydrolysis of the more labile forosamine saccharide in the 17-position of 3-ethoxy-5,6-dihydrospinosyn J, the major component of the commercial product, spinetoram. It has only weak activity as an insecticide.


It is an acid degradation product produced by selective hydrolysis of the more labile forosamine saccharide in the 17-position of 3-ethoxy-5,6-dihydrospinosyn J, the minor component of the commercial product, spinetoram. It has only weak activity as an insecticide.


Graphislactone A (52179-44-9)


It is the major analogue of a family of phenolic benzopyranones isolated from a mycobiont of lichens of the genus graphis. It protects against oxidative injury by dose-dependent free radical scavenging and antioxidant activity.


Heronamide C (1257083-94-5)


It is an unusual polyene macrocyclic lactam containing two isolated tetraene and triene chromophores. It induces a unique reversible vacuolisation of mammalian tumor cells by a yet unidentified mechanism.


It is the fully demethylated tetraphenol analogue of the benzopyranone graphislactones. It is isolated as a major co-metabolite of a graphislactone A-producing fungus.


Epi-Ivermectin B1a is a degradation product produced by the reversible base-catalyzed isomerization of ivermectin B1a. It is less active than ivermectin against T. urticae (LC90s = 4.0 and 0.038 ppm, respectively).


An irreversible base degradation product of ivermectin found in animals treated with ivermectin and in the environment. It is an anthelmintic in animal health.


Orfamide B (939960-35-7)


It is a component of a family of cyclic lipopeptides produced by pseudomonas fluorescens pf-5.


It is an acid degradation product produced by selective hydrolysis of the more labile forosamine saccharide in the 17-position of spinosyn A. It has weak activity as an insecticide.


It is an acid degradation product produced by selective hydrolysis of the more labile forosamine saccharide in the 17-position in spinosyn D. It has only weak activity as an insecticide as the forosamine moiety is considered essential for potent activity.


It is an acid degradation product produced by hydrolysis of both saccharide groups on spinosyn. It has only weak activity as an insecticide as the saccharides are considered essential for potent activity.


It is an acid degradation product produced by hydrolysis of both saccharide groups on spinosyn D. It has only weak activity as an insecticide as the saccharides are considered essential for potent activity.


It is a family of five closely related cyclic depsipeptides. Sporidesmolide complex contains three dominant components, I, II and V, with less quantities of the more polar III and only traces of sporidesmolide IV.


It is the most polar of N-methyl analogues belonging to the hexadepsipeptide sporidesmolide complex. It has no activity against a variety of bacteria and fungi. It is a depsipeptide originally isolated from S. bakeri.


It is the most abundant of N-methyl analogue belonging to the hexadepsipeptide sporidesmolide complex. It is a cyclic depsipeptide originally isolated from P. chartarum.


It is the only non-N-methylated analogue of the hexadepsipeptide sporidesmolide complex. It is the demethyl analogue of sporidesmolide I. It is a cyclodepsipeptide originally isolated from P. chartarum.


Sporidesmolide V (127072-57-5)


It is the most non-polar of the N-methyl analogue belonging to the hexadepsipeptide sporidesmolide complex. It is a cyclodepsipeptide fungal metabolite originally isolated from Pithomyces chartarum.


It is an active quorum sensing modulator first recognised in rhodobacter capsulatus. It has been detected in hundreds of bacterial species.


Tenellin (53823-15-7)


It is a yellow pigment produced by species of the genus beauveria. It belongs to the rare 4-hydroxypyridone class containing a dienone side chain.

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