2,3-Dihydroxy-4-methoxycinnamic acid

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2,3-Dihydroxy-4-methoxycinnamic acid
Category Others
Catalog number BBF-04795
CAS 205688-49-9
Molecular Weight 210.2
Molecular Formula C10H10O5

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Synonyms (E)-3-(2,3-dihydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)acrylic acid
IUPAC Name (E)-3-(2,3-dihydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)prop-2-enoic acid
Canonical SMILES COC1=C(C(=C(C=C1)C=CC(=O)O)O)O
InChI InChI=1S/C10H10O5/c1-15-7-4-2-6(3-5-8(11)12)9(13)10(7)14/h2-5,13-14H,1H3,(H,11,12)/b5-3+

Reference Reading

1. The acid tolerance responses of the Salmonella strains isolated from beef processing plants
Yunge Liu, Yimin Zhang, Lixian Zhu, Lebao Niu, Xin Luo, Pengcheng Dong Food Microbiol. 2022 Jun;104:103977. doi: 10.1016/j.fm.2022.103977. Epub 2022 Jan 7.
The development of the stationary-phase, low-pH-inducible acid tolerance response (ATR) in the Salmonella contaminant of beef during the processing arises food safety concerns, because it may evoke bacterial coping mechanisms against bactericidal insults and alter gene expression that contribute to pathogen virulence. However, information on the development of the ATR and the stability (defined as the capacity to maintain the acquired acid tolerance after induction) in the Salmonella during the production and distribution of beef is limited. After adaptation overnight, ATRs in the 79 strains of Salmonella isolated from beef processing plants were investigated by comparing the log reduction in the 2-h acid challenge trials at pH 3.0. Six representative strains were selected to further estimate the effect of three factors in the incubation period on the development of the ATR, including adapted pH values (5.0, 5.4, 6.0, and 7.0), temperatures (10 °C and 37 °C), and the adaptation media (meat extract and brain heart infusion media). The stability of acid tolerance during the long-time chilled storage (4 °C for 13 days) was also observed on two strains of serotypes S. Derby and S. Meleagridis. All the strains isolated from beef processing plants exhibited an enhanced acid tolerance indicating the widespread existence of ATR. The results also revealed that strain variability was present in the development of ATR. Significant tolerance to lethal acidic environments (pH 3.0) was found when the Salmonella strains had been acid-adapted in meat extract at pH 5.0, pH 5.4, or pH 6.0, which indicated the possible induction of ATR during beef production. After the acid adaptations, the population reduction after the acid challenge (BHI, pH = 3) in the strains was significantly lower than the non-induced at the 1d, 7 day and 13 day's storage in meat extract media at 4 °C, which revealed the persistence of ATR during beef distribution. Compared to 37 °C, adaptation in lower temperature (10 °C) significantly reduced the ATR and no ATR was developed when adapted in 4 °C. This emphasizes the importance of keeping a low temperature of beef throughout the supply chains of beef industry.
2. Thermal properties and pyrolysis kinetics of phosphate-rock acid-insoluble residues
Rui Li, Weilong He, Jiangfei Duan, Shengxia Feng, Yu Zhang Waste Manag. 2022 Jun 1;146:77-85. doi: 10.1016/j.wasman.2022.04.039. Epub 2022 May 12.
In the phosphorous-sulphur two-step process for the clean production of phosphoric acid, a phosphate-rock acid-insoluble residue (PAIR) is a solid filter residue obtained via the phosphoric acid acidolysis of phosphate rock (PR). PAIR combined with other raw materials can be used to prepare cement, ceramics and glasses, opening a potential avenue for large-scale PAIR utilisation. However, the preparation of such materials requires high-temperatures calcination. Understanding the high-temperature thermal properties of PAIR can enable its more targeted comprehensive utilisation or disposal. In this study, the thermal properties and pyrolysis kinetics of PAIR were systematically studied using a multiple heating rate method based on thermogravimetric analysis and a kinetic model. Results showed that from room temperature to 1200 °C, the main changes in the PAIR were the complete removal of fluorine and sulphur, partial removal of phosphorus and conversion of quartz to cristobalite. Moreover, during these processes, H2O(g), NH3, N2, CO2, SO2, P2O5(g), CO, CF3+ and organic gases were volatilised. Herein, the pyrolysis kinetics of PAIR is divided into five stages. Stage 1 (conversion rate ɑ: 0.05-0.2) conforms to the random nucleation and growth as well as the Avrami-Erofeev (n = 2/3) mechanism; the corresponding mechanism function is F(ɑ) = [-Ln(1 - ɑ)]2/3. Stage 2 (ɑ: 0.2-0.4) conforms to the first-order chemical reaction mechanism; the corresponding mechanism function is F(ɑ) = -Ln(1 - ɑ). Stage 3 (ɑ: 0.4-0.6) conforms to the phase boundary-controlled reaction and one-dimensional movement mechanism; the corresponding mechanism function is F(ɑ) = ɑ. Stage 4 (ɑ: 0.6-0.8) conforms to the three-dimensional diffusion process (Jander model); the corresponding mechanism function is F(ɑ) = [1 - (1 - ɑ)1/3]2. Stage 5 (ɑ: 0.6-0.95) conforms to the one-dimensional diffusion process; the corresponding mechanism function is F(ɑ) = ɑ2.
3. Fabrication of Brønsted acidic ionic liquids functionalized organosilica nanospheres for microwave-assisted fructose valorization
Qingqing Zhang, Miao Ren, Yunqing Liu, Chaoyue Zhang, Yihang Guo, Daiyu Song Sci Total Environ. 2022 Apr 20;818:151761. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151761. Epub 2021 Nov 18.
A series of Brønsted acidic ionic liquids (BAILs) functionalized hollow organosilica nanospheres ([C3/4Im][OTs/OTf]-Si(Et)Si, C3/4 = Pr/BuSO3H) were synthesized by two steps. The process involved the preparation of hollow nanosphere supports via a toluene-swollen sol-gel co-condensation of 1,2-bis(trimethoxysilyl)ethane and 3-chloropropyltriethoxysilane in the presence of F127, and followed by a successive quaternary ammonization and protonation with imidazole, 1,3-propane/1,4-butane sultone and trifluoromethane sulfonic acid/p-toluenesulfonic acid. The adjustable acid property, hollow inner diameter (5-15 nm) and shell thickness (5-9 nm) of [C3/4Im][OTs/OTf]-Si(Et)Si are achieved by introducing different organic acids and controlling toluene concentration, respectively. The [C3/4Im][OTs/OTf]-Si(Et)Si were applied in selective conversion of fructose to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and 5-ethoxymethylfurfural (EMF) under microwave heating. Under the optimized conditions, the [C4Im][OTs]-Si(Et)Si3.0 nanospheres with the largest inner diameter and the smallest shell thickness exhibit the highest HMF yield (79.4%, 15 min) in fructose dehydration. And the [C3Im][OTf]-Si(Et)Si0.5 nanospheres with the highest acid strength possess the highest EMF yield (70.4%, 30 min) in fructose ethanolysis. The high Brønsted acid-site density and acid strength of [C3/4Im][OTs/OTf]-Si(Et)Si catalysts accompanied by high microwave heating energy lead to excellent dehydration/ethanolysis activity. The product selectivity strongly depended on the BAILs structures and morphological characteristics of the catalyst. More importantly, the [C3/4Im][OTs/OTf]-Si(Et)Si can be reused three times without changes in leaching of BAILs, due to strong covalent bond between BAILs and silicon/carbon framework. This work will provide a simple strategy of chemically bonded BAILs on suitable supports as efficient solid acids, and an approach of combining morphology-controlled solid acids with microwave-heating for catalytic conversion of biomass/derivatives to fuels and value-added chemicals.

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