
* Please be kindly noted products are not for therapeutic use. We do not sell to patients.

Category Others
Catalog number BBF-00634
CAS 1398-61-4
Molecular Formula (C8H13NO5)n

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It is produced by the strain of Fungi, yeasts, Marine vertebrates and arthropods. Chitin is often used as a trauma therapy and its product of the Chitosan can be used for water treatment and the preparation of photographic emulsion fluid.


Related CAS 9043-70-3 (Deleted CAS) 191802-95-6 (Deleted CAS) 1548444-27-4 (Deleted CAS)
Synonyms Poly-(b1-4)-N-acetyl glucosamine; Poly-(a1-4)-N-acetyl glucosamine; Beyond All Natural Plant Amendment; BiNFi-s-SFo 20002; ChiNC; Chitan, N-acetyl-; Chitin L-PC; Clandosan; Kimica Chitin F; Kimitsu Chitin; North Chitin CG 2; Taliderm; Talymed; α-Chitin; β-Chitin; γ-Chitin
Storage Store at RT
Source If chitin is detected they then produce enzymes to digest the chitin by reducing it to simple sugars and ammonia. It is the second most abundant biopolymer on earth, found especially in insects and fungi.


Appearance White to Brown Powder to Crystalline Powder
Application Occurs naturally in fungi, yeasts, marine invertebrates, and exoskeletons of arthropods; The second most abundant biopolymer on earth; Used to make chitosan; Used to control nematodes in various field crops, ornamentals, turf grown in fields, home gardens, and nurseries.
Flash Point Not applicable
Density 1.43 g/cm3 (solid)
Solubility Practically insoluble in water, dilute acids, dilute and concentrated alkalies, alcohols, other organic solvents


Carcinogenicity No indication of carcinogenicity to humans (not listed by IARC).

Reference Reading

1. Chitin and derivative chitosan-based structures - Preparation strategies aided by deep eutectic solvents: A review
Mohammad Khajavian, Vahid Vatanpour, Roberto Castro-Muñoz, Grzegorz Boczkaj Carbohydr Polym. 2022 Jan 1;275:118702. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2021.118702. Epub 2021 Sep 25.
The high molecular weight of chitin, as a biopolymer, challenges its extraction due to its insolubility in the solvents. Also, chitosan, as the N-deacetylated form of chitin, can be employed as a primary material for different industries. The low mechanical stability and poor plasticity of chitosan films, as a result of incompatible interaction between chitosan and the used solvent, have limited its industrialization. Deep eutectic solvents (DESs), as novel solvents, can solve the extraction difficulties of chitin, and the low mechanical stability and weak plasticity of chitosan films. Also, DESs can be considered for the different chitosan and chitin productions, including chitin nanocrystal and nanofiber, N,N,N-trimethyl-chitosan, chitosan-based imprinted structures, and DES-chitosan-based beads and monoliths. This review aims to focus on the preparation and characterization (chemistry and morphology) of DES-chitin-based and DES-chitosan-based structures to understand the influence of the incorporation of DESs into the chitin and chitosan structure.
2. Recent advances in extraction of chitin and chitosan
Nafisa Islam, Mizanul Hoque, Salman Farsi Taharat World J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2022 Nov 28;39(1):28. doi: 10.1007/s11274-022-03468-1.
Chitosan is a versatile biopolymer due to its biocompatibility, biodegradability, antimicrobial, non-toxic, mucoadhesive, and highly adsorptive properties. Chitosan and its derivatives have been used for many biomedical applications. Currently, crustacean shells and other marine organisms are the significant sources of chitin/chitosan production worldwide. However, extraction from marine sources presents several challenges, including an unstable supply of raw materials. Large-scale chitosan extraction from crustacean sources harms the environment by involving harsh processing steps such as alkali deproteinization. Recently many studies have been carried out focusing on alternative sources or eco-friendlier routes for production of chitosan. This paper briefly overviews recent studies on fungi and insect cuticles as alternative chitosan sources. Milder extraction processes for fungal chitosan and the superior quality of the resultant polymer make it highly desirable for biological applications. Biological techniques involving fermentation and enzymatic processing of the raw materials are looked at in detail. In the concluding remarks, the paper highlights the potential of using a combination of "green" technologies and briefly looks at potential biological/biomedical applications of extracted chitinous materials.
3. Patentology of chitinous biomaterials. Part I: Chitin
Ahmet Kertmen, Hermann Ehrlich Carbohydr Polym. 2022 Apr 15;282:119102. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2022.119102. Epub 2022 Jan 10.
Chitin as one of the fundamental structural biological materials widely occurring in broad diversity of uni- and multicellular organisms focuses attention of experts in biomedicine, materials science, and technology. We are the first to present a patentological overview of chitin as a renewable bioactive material that has stimulated the progress in many fields of applied science worldwide. Such directions as biomedicine, materials science and engineering, chemistry and biochemistry, biotechnology, pharmaceutics, cosmetics, food and feed additives, agriculture as well as environmental science are considered. The overview provides crucial information for progression in modern patentology of chitin and corresponding derivatives. For the first time, we would like to discuss the challenges, solutions, and future directions of chitin related patents for applied materials science.


Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 10V, Positive

Experimental Conditions

Ionization Mode: Positive
Collision Energy: 10 eV
Instrument Type: QTOF (generic), spectrum predicted by CFM-ID
Mass Resolution: 0.0001 Da

1H NMR Spectrum

Experimental Conditions

Solvent: D2O
Nucleus: 1H
Frequency: 100

Bio Calculators

Stock concentration: *
Desired final volume: *
Desired concentration: *


* Our calculator is based on the following equation:
Concentration (start) x Volume (start) = Concentration (final) x Volume (final)
It is commonly abbreviated as: C1V1 = C2V2

* Total Molecular Weight:
Tip: Chemical formula is case sensitive. C22H30N4O c22h30n40

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