
* Please be kindly noted products are not for therapeutic use. We do not sell to patients.

Category Others
Catalog number BBF-04690
CAS 1313054-61-3
Molecular Weight 160.20
Molecular Formula C6H16N4O

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Synonyms H-D-Arg-ol
IUPAC Name 2-[(4R)-4-amino-5-hydroxypentyl]guanidine
InChI InChI=1S/C6H16N4O/c7-5(4-11)2-1-3-10-6(8)9/h5,11H,1-4,7H2,(H4,8,9,10)/t5-/m1/s1

Reference Reading

1. Nonionic and zwitterionic forms of glycylglycylarginine as a part of spider silk protein: Spectroscopic and theoretical study
Hatice Arı, Talat Özpozan Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc. 2016 Jan 5;152:557-71. doi: 10.1016/j.saa.2014.12.115. Epub 2015 Jan 20.
Glycylglycylarginine as a part of GGX motif of spider silk spidroin in nonionic (non-GGR) and zwitterionic (zwt-GGR) forms have been examined from theoretical and spectroscopic aspects. The most stable conformational isomers of non-GGR and zwt-GGR were obtained through relaxed scan using the DFT/B3LYP with 6-31G(d) basis set. Nonionic and zwitterionic forms of 310-helix structures of GGR have also been calculated and compared with the most stable conformers obtained as a result of conformer analysis of isolated three peptide structures. This comparison should give an idea about the stability contribution of intermolecular interactions between the 310-helix structured peptide chains. O3LYP and B3PW91 hybrid functionals beside B3LYP have also been used for further calculations of geometry optimization, vibrational analysis, Natural Bond Orbital (NBO) analysis, HOMO-LUMO analysis and hydrogen bonding analysis. Normal Mode Analysis was carried through Potential Energy Distribution (PED) calculations by means of VEDA4 program package. IR and Raman spectra of GGR have also been used to relate the spectroscopic data obtained to electronic and structural features.
2. Boosting the sensitivity of ligand-protein screening by NMR of long-lived states
Nicola Salvi, Roberto Buratto, Aurélien Bornet, Simone Ulzega, Inmaculada Rentero Rebollo, Alessandro Angelini, Christian Heinis, Geoffrey Bodenhausen J Am Chem Soc. 2012 Jul 11;134(27):11076-9. doi: 10.1021/ja303301w. Epub 2012 Jun 27.
A new NMR method for the study of ligand-protein interactions exploits the unusual lifetimes of long-lived states (LLSs). The new method provides better contrast between bound and free ligands and requires a protein-ligand ratio ca. 25 times lower than for established T(1ρ) methods, thus saving on costly proteins. The new LLS method was applied to the screening of inhibitors of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), which is a prototypical target of cancer research. With only 10 μM protein, a dissociation constant (K(D)) of 180 ± 20 nM was determined for the strong ligand (inhibitor) UK-18, which can be compared with K(D) = 157 ± 39 nM determined by the established surface plasmon resonance method.
3. A mechanistic study of the H/D exchange reactions of protonated arginine and arginine-containing di- and tripeptides
Yiqun Huang, Joe A Marini, John A McLean, Shane E Tichy, David H Russell J Am Soc Mass Spectrom. 2009 Nov;20(11):2049-57. doi: 10.1016/j.jasms.2009.07.015. Epub 2009 Jul 30.
The gas-phase H/D exchange reactions of arginine (R) and arginine-containing di- and tri-peptide (gly-arg (GR), arg-gly (RG), gly-gly-arg (GGR), gly-arg-gly (GRG) and arg-gly-gly (RGG)) [M + H]+ ions with deuterated ammonia (ND3) were investigated by using Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR), ion mobility-mass spectrometry (IM-MS), ab initio and density functional theory-based molecular orbital calculations and molecular modeling. Three exchanges are observed for arginine and arginine-containing tri-peptide [M + H]+ ions, whereas the di-peptide [M + H]+ ions undergo a single H/D exchange. In addition, C-terminal methylation blocks H/D exchange of arginine and the arginine-containing peptide [M + H]+ ions, and a single H/D exchange is observed for N-terminal acetylated arginine [M + H]+ ions. A general mechanism for H/D exchange involving a collision complex that is best described as a "solvated salt-bridge" structure is proposed.

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