D-Glutamine methyl ester

* Please be kindly noted products are not for therapeutic use. We do not sell to patients.

Category Others
Catalog number BBF-04699
CAS 108258-30-6
Molecular Weight 160.17
Molecular Formula C6H12N2O3

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Related CAS 74817-54-2 (hydrochloride)
Synonyms (R)-Methyl 2,5-diamino-5-oxopentanoate
IUPAC Name methyl (2R)-2,5-diamino-5-oxopentanoate
Canonical SMILES COC(=O)C(CCC(=O)N)N
InChI InChI=1S/C6H12N2O3/c1-11-6(10)4(7)2-3-5(8)9/h4H,2-3,7H2,1H3,(H2,8,9)/t4-/m1/s1

Reference Reading

1. Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of 6-sulfo-6-deoxy-D-glucosamine and its derivatives
Kornelia Skarbek, Iwona Gabriel, Piotr Szweda, Marek Wojciechowski, Muna A Khan, Boris Görke, Sławomir Milewski, Maria J Milewska Carbohydr Res. 2017 Aug 7;448:79-87. doi: 10.1016/j.carres.2017.06.002. Epub 2017 Jun 12.
6-Sulfo-6-deoxy-D-glucosamine (GlcN6S), 6-sulfo-6-deoxy-D-glucosaminitol (ADGS) and their N-acetyl and methyl ester derivatives have been synthesized and tested as inhibitors of enzymes catalyzing reactions of the UDP-GlcNAc pathway in bacteria and yeasts. GlcN6S and ADGS at micromolar concentrations inhibited glucosamine-6-phosphate (GlcN6P) synthase of microbial origin. The former was also inhibitory towards fungal GlcN6P N-acetyl transferase, but at millimolar concentrations. Both compounds and their N-acetyl derivatives exhibited antimicrobial in vitro activity, with MICs in the 0.125-2.0 mg mL-1 range. Antibacterial but not antifungal activity of GlcN6S was potentiated by D-glucosamine and a synergistic antibacterial effect was observed for combination of ADGP and a dipeptide Nva-FMDP.
2. Administration of Phosphonate Inhibitors of Dehydrogenases of 2-Oxoglutarate and 2-Oxoadipate to Rats Elicits Target-Specific Metabolic and Physiological Responses
Victoria I Bunik, Artem V Artiukhov, Alexey V Kazantsev, Vasily A Aleshin, Alexandra I Boyko, Alexander L Ksenofontov, Nikolay V Lukashev, Anastasia V Graf Front Chem. 2022 Jun 20;10:892284. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2022.892284. eCollection 2022.
In vitro and in cell cultures, succinyl phosphonate (SP) and adipoyl phosphonate (AP) selectively target dehydrogenases of 2-oxoglutarate (OGDH, encoded by OGDH/OGDHL) and 2-oxoadipate (OADH, encoded by DHTKD1), respectively. To assess the selectivity in animals, the effects of SP, AP, and their membrane-penetrating triethyl esters (TESP and TEAP) on the rat brain metabolism and animal physiology are compared. Opposite effects of the OGDH and OADH inhibitors on activities of OGDH, malate dehydrogenase, glutamine synthetase, and levels of glutamate, lysine, citrulline, and carnosine are shown to result in distinct physiological responses. ECG is changed by AP/TEAP, whereas anxiety is increased by SP/TESP. The potential role of the ester moiety in the uncharged precursors of the 2-oxo acid dehydrogenase inhibitors is estimated. TMAP is shown to be less efficient than TEAP, in agreement with lower lipophilicity of TMAP vs. TEAP. Non-monotonous metabolic and physiological impacts of increasing OADH inhibition are revealed. Compared to the non-treated animals, strong inhibition of OADH decreases levels of tryptophan and beta-aminoisobutyrate and activities of malate dehydrogenase and pyruvate dehydrogenase, increasing the R-R interval of ECG. Thus, both metabolic and physiological actions of the OADH-directed inhibitors AP/TEAP are different from those of the OGDH-directed inhibitors SP/TESP, with the ethyl ester being more efficient than methyl ester.
3. Screening of α-amino acid ester acyl transferase variant with improved activity by combining rational and random mutagenesis
Isao Abe, Uno Tagami, Tatsuki Kashiwagi, Masakazu Sugiyama, Shun-Ichi Suzuki, Hiroshi Takagi, Kenzo Yokozeki J Biochem. 2022 Dec 27;173(1):43-52. doi: 10.1093/jb/mvac083.
Random and rational mutagenesis of an α-amino acid ester acyl transferase from Sphingobacterium siyangensis AJ2458 (SAET) was conducted to examine the production of aspartame, an α-l-aspartyl-l-phenylalanine methyl ester. We previously reported aspartame production via combination of enzymatic and chemical methods. However, the productivity of the aspartame intermediate by SAET was approximately one-fifth that of l-alanyl-l-glutamine (Ala-Gln), whose production method has already been established. Here, to improve the enzymatic activity of SAET, we performed random mutagenesis in the gene encoding SAET and obtained 10 mutations that elevated the enzymatic activity (1.2- to 1.7-fold increase) relative to that of wild-type SAET. To further improve the activity, we performed mutagenesis to optimize the combination of the obtained mutations and finally selected one SAET variant with 10 amino acid substitutions (M35-4 SAET). An Escherichia coli strain overexpressing M35-4 SAET displayed a 5.7-fold higher activity than that of the wild-type SAET, which was almost equal to that of Ala-Gln by an E. coli strain overexpressing wild-type SAET. The Vmax value of M35-4 SAET was 2.0-fold greater, and its thermostability was higher than those of wild-type SAET. These results suggest that the obtained SAET variants contribute to improvement in aspartame production.

Bio Calculators

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* Our calculator is based on the following equation:
Concentration (start) x Volume (start) = Concentration (final) x Volume (final)
It is commonly abbreviated as: C1V1 = C2V2

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Tip: Chemical formula is case sensitive. C22H30N4O c22h30n40

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