
* Please be kindly noted products are not for therapeutic use. We do not sell to patients.

Category Others
Catalog number BBF-04027
CAS 55224-05-0
Molecular Weight 759.92
Molecular Formula C38H65NO14
Purity >98%

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Erythromycin Cyclocarbonate, a derivative of Erythromycin, inhibits protein synthesis of bacteria by binding to the 50S ribosome.


Synonyms Erythromycin A 11,12-carbonate; Erythromycin A cyclic 11,12-carbonate; Erythromycin cyclic carbonate
Storage Store at -20°C
IUPAC Name (1R,2R,5R,6S,7S,8R,9R,11R,13R,14R)-8-[(2S,3R,4S,6R)-4-(dimethylamino)-3-hydroxy-6-methyloxan-2-yl]oxy-2-ethyl-9-hydroxy-6-[(2R,4R,5S,6S)-5-hydroxy-4-methoxy-4,6-dimethyloxan-2-yl]oxy-1,5,7,9,11,13-hexamethyl-3,15,17-trioxabicyclo[12.3.0]heptadecane-4,12,16-trione
Canonical SMILES CCC1C2(C(C(C(=O)C(CC(C(C(C(C(C(=O)O1)C)OC3CC(C(C(O3)C)O)(C)OC)C)OC4C(C(CC(O4)C)N(C)C)O)(C)O)C)C)OC(=O)O2)C
InChI InChI=1S/C38H65NO14/c1-14-25-38(10)32(52-35(44)53-38)20(4)27(40)18(2)16-36(8,45)31(51-34-28(41)24(39(11)12)15-19(3)47-34)21(5)29(22(6)33(43)49-25)50-26-17-37(9,46-13)30(42)23(7)48-26/h18-26,28-32,34,41-42,45H,14-17H2,1-13H3/t18-,19-,20+,21+,22-,23+,24+,25-,26+,28-,29+,30+,31-,32+,34+,36-,37-,38-/m1/s1
Source Semi-synthetic


Appearance White Solid
Boiling Point 859.8°C at 760 mmHg
Density 1.22 g/cm3
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, methanol, DMF, DMSO

Reference Reading

1.[Comparative studies of cyclic 11, 12 erythromycin carbonate (davercin) and erythromycin a levels in lung tissue, serum and bronchial secretions].
Krakówka P;Kazimierczak A;Kuś J;Zagdańska J;Schaeffer A;Bireta K;Zdziarska H;Olechnowicz H;Sawicka E;Kołb P Pneumonol Pol. 1989 Jan;57(1):25-8.
A comparison of serum, pulmonary tissue and bronchial secretory levels of erythromycin and cyclic--11,12 carbonate of erythromycin (Davercin--Polfa) was carried out in 55 patients with lung cancer. All patients received erythromycin and Davercin 80 hours prior surgery, during which a small fragment of pulmonary tissue was removed for further evaluation. Concentration of both antibiotics was determined microbiologically. Better penetration of Davercin to the pulmonary tissue was found, as well as higher tissue concentration. The study demonstrates the advantage of Davercin over erythromycin in treating bacterial infections of the respiratory system.
2.Comparative efficacy of new investigational agents against Helicobacter pylori.
Osato MS;Reddy SG;Piergies AA;Bochenek WJ;Testa RT;Graham DY Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2001 Apr;15(4):487-92.
BACKGROUND: ;Emergence of antibiotic resistant Helicobacter pylori has necessitated the identification of alternate therapies for the treatment of this infection.;AIM: ;To assess the in vitro efficacy of two investigational agents: DMG-MINO CL 344 (a N,N-dimethylglycylamido derivative of minocycline), and davercin, a cyclic carbonate of erythromycin A as compared to older antibiotics (clarithromcyin, azithromycin, minocycline, tetracycline, ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, cefixime) against clinical isolates of H. pylori.;METHODS: ;Testing was performed using the agar dilution method approved by the NCCLS subcommittee on antimicrobial susceptibility testing, Helicobacter pylori working group. Under these guidelines, Mueller-Hinton agar containing 5% aged sheep blood was used. All incubations were done under CampyPak Plus conditions for 72 h at 37 degrees C. The drug concentrations in the agar ranged from 0.016 to 16 microg/mL. Twenty-one clarithromycin-resistant and 16 clarithromycin-susceptible clinical isolates of H. pylori obtained from patients with duodenal ulcer were used. H. pylori ATCC 43504 was used as the control in all determinations.;RESULTS: ;Against clarithromycin susceptible isolates, all antimicrobial agents except the fluoroquinolones were highly effective.
3.[Urinary tract infection caused by Chlamydia trachomatis in children].
Galar A;Choroszy-Król I;Moraawska Z Pol Tyg Lek. 1992 Aug 7-17;47(31-33):683-5.
In 1988-1989, 131 children aged between 1 and 18 years were examined for urinary infections with C. trachomatis at the Department of Pediatric Urology in Wrocław. Chlamydia trachomatis was diagnosed with the aid of McCoy's cellular cultures and immunoenzymatic test Chlamydiazyme in 25% of the examined children. A relationship between Chlamydia trachomatis and particular components of the clinical picture has been analysed. Effectiveness of the treatment with erythromycin (Davercin) and doxycycline (Vibramycin) has been also assessed.

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