(-)-Dihydropertusaric acid

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(-)-Dihydropertusaric acid
Category Others
Catalog number BBF-04871
CAS 101899-68-7
Molecular Weight 368.51
Molecular Formula C21H36O5

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(-)dihydropertusaric acid is a γ-lactone carboxylic acid derived from the lichen Pertusaria albescens.


IUPAC Name (2S,3S,4S)-Tetrahydro-4-methyl-5-oxo-2-(14-oxopentadecyl)-3-furancarboxylic acid

Reference Reading

1. A revised structure for (-)-dihydropertusaric acid, a gamma-butyrolactone acid from the lichen punctelia microsticta
MS Maier, Gonzalez Marimon DI, CA Stortz, MT Adler J Nat Prod. 1999 Nov;62(11):1565-7. doi: 10.1021/np990110n.
The gamma-butyrolactone acid (1) and two known compounds, (-)-isomuronic acid and the tridepside gyrophoric acid, have been isolated from the lichen Punctelia microsticta. The structure and stereochemistry of compound 1 were determined on the basis of spectroscopic evidence and molecular modeling. Spectroscopic and physical data of 1 and (-)-dihydropertusaric acid, previously isolated from the lichen Pertusaria albescens, showed that both are the same compound, although for the latter the epimeric structure 2 has been proposed.

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