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Category Others
Catalog number BBF-04732
CAS 18210-71-4
Molecular Weight 518.71
Molecular Formula C33H38N6
Purity >95% by HPLC

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Hodgkinsine is a pyrrolidinoindoline alkaloid isolated from P. colorata.


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IUPAC Name (3aR,8bR)-5-[(3aR,8bR)-3-methyl-1,2,3a,4-tetrahydropyrrolo[2,3-b]indol-8b-yl]-8b-[(3aS,8bS)-3-methyl-1,2,3a,4-tetrahydropyrrolo[2,3-b]indol-8b-yl]-3-methyl-1,2,3a,4-tetrahydropyrrolo[2,3-b]indole
Canonical SMILES CN1CCC2(C1NC3=CC=CC=C32)C4=C5C(=CC=C4)C6(CCN(C6N5)C)C78CCN(C7NC9=CC=CC=C89)C
InChI InChI=1S/C33H38N6/c1-37-18-15-31(21-9-4-6-13-25(21)34-28(31)37)23-11-8-12-24-27(23)36-30-33(24,17-20-39(30)3)32-16-19-38(2)29(32)35-26-14-7-5-10-22(26)32/h4-14,28-30,34-36H,15-20H2,1-3H3/t28-,29+,30-,31-,32-,33+/m1/s1


Density 1.258 g/cm3
Solubility Soluble in methanol, DMSO

Reference Reading

1. Catalyst-controlled oligomerization for the collective synthesis of polypyrroloindoline natural products
Christopher R Jamison, Joseph J Badillo, Jeffrey M Lipshultz, Robert J Comito, David W C MacMillan Nat Chem. 2017 Dec;9(12):1165-1169. doi: 10.1038/nchem.2825. Epub 2017 Jul 24.
In nature, many organisms generate large families of natural product metabolites that have related molecular structures as a means to increase functional diversity and gain an evolutionary advantage against competing systems within the same environment. One pathway commonly employed by living systems to generate these large classes of structurally related families is oligomerization, wherein a series of enzymatically catalysed reactions is employed to generate secondary metabolites by iteratively appending monomers to a growing serial oligomer chain. The polypyrroloindolines are an interesting class of oligomeric natural products that consist of multiple cyclotryptamine subunits. Herein we describe an iterative application of asymmetric copper catalysis towards the synthesis of six distinct oligomeric polypyrroloindoline natural products: hodgkinsine, hodgkinsine B, idiospermuline, quadrigemine H and isopsychotridine B and C. Given the customizable nature of the small-molecule catalysts employed, we demonstrate that this strategy is further amenable to the construction of quadrigemine H-type alkaloids not isolated previously from natural sources.
2. Concise Synthesis of (-)-Hodgkinsine, (-)-Calycosidine, (-)-Hodgkinsine B, (-)-Quadrigemine C, and (-)-Psycholeine via Convergent and Directed Modular Assembly of Cyclotryptamines
Petra Lindovska, Mohammad Movassaghi J Am Chem Soc. 2017 Dec 6;139(48):17590-17596. doi: 10.1021/jacs.7b09929. Epub 2017 Nov 20.
The enantioselective total synthesis of (-)-hodgkinsine, (-)-calycosidine, (-)-hodgkinsine B, (-)-quadrigemine C, and (-)-psycholeine through a diazene-directed assembly of cyclotryptamine fragments is described. Our synthetic strategy enables multiple and directed assembly of intact cyclotryptamine subunits for convergent synthesis of highly complex bis- and tris-diazene intermediates. Photoextrusion of dinitrogen from these intermediates enables completely stereoselective formation of all C3a-C3a' and C3a-C7' carbon-carbon bonds and all the associated quaternary stereogenic centers. In a representative example, photoextrusion of three dinitrogen molecules from an advanced intermediate in a single-step led to completely controlled introduction of four quaternary stereogenic centers and guided the assembly of four cyclotryptamine monomers en route to (-)-quadrigemine C. The synthesis of these complex diazenes was made possible through a new methodology for synthesis of aryl-alkyl diazenes using electronically attenuated hydrazine-nucleophiles for a silver-promoted addition to C3a-bromocyclotryptamines. The application of Rh- and Ir-catalyzed C-H amination reactions in complex settings were used to gain rapid access to C3a- and C7-functionalized cyclotryptamine monomers, respectively, used for diazene synthesis. This convergent and modular assembly of intact cyclotryptamines offers the first solution to access these alkaloids through completely stereoselective union of monomers at challenging linkages and the associated quaternary stereocenters as illustrated in our synthesis of five members of the oligocyclotryptamine family of alkaloids.
3. Catalytic enantioselective desymmetrisation as a tool for the synthesis of hodgkinsine and hodgkinsine B
Robert H Snell, Matthew J Durbin, Robert L Woodward, Michael C Willis Chemistry. 2012 Dec 21;18(52):16754-64. doi: 10.1002/chem.201203150. Epub 2012 Nov 30.
Two palladium-catalysed amination protocols are deployed in the desymmetrisation of the complex dimeric alkaloid meso-chimonanthine. The power of these transformations is showcased in an efficient formal and total synthesis of the natural products hodgkinsine and hodgkinsine B, respectively.

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