L-Methionine [R,S]-Sulfoximine

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L-Methionine [R,S]-Sulfoximine
Category Enzyme inhibitors
Catalog number BBF-04172
CAS 15985-39-4
Molecular Weight 180.23
Molecular Formula C5H12N2O3S

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L-Methionine-(S,R)-sulfoximine is an inhibitor of glutamine synthetase and a sulfoximine derivative of L-methionine.


Synonyms L-Methionine Sulfoximine
Storage Store at -20°C
IUPAC Name (2S)-2-amino-4-(methylsulfonimidoyl)butanoic acid
Canonical SMILES CS(=N)(=O)CCC(C(=O)O)N
InChI InChI=1S/C5H12N2O3S/c1-11(7,10)3-2-4(6)5(8)9/h4,7H,2-3,6H2,1H3,(H,8,9)/t4-,11?/m0/s1


Boiling Point 352.2°C at 760 mmHg
Melting Point >210°C (dec.)(lit.)
Density 1.46 g/cm3

Reference Reading

1. N-Trifluoromethylthiolated Sulfoximines
Carsten Bolm, Christian Bohnen Org Lett . 2015 Jun 19;17(12):3011-3. doi: 10.1021/acs.orglett.5b01384.
Air- and moisture-stable N-trifluoromethylthio sulfoximines have been prepared from N-H-sulfoximines via the corresponding N-Br derivatives in excellent yields. The two-step process starts with an easy-to-perform bromination at the sulfoximine nitrogen, followed by a reaction with silver trifluoromethanethiolate. A one-pot reaction sequence allows difficult to prepare products to be obtained.
2. S-adenosyl-L-methionine synthetase and methionine metabolism deficiencies in cirrhosis
P Ortiz, M A Pajares, L Alvarez, J Mingorance, C Durán, J M Mato Adv Exp Med Biol . 1994;368:113-7. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4615-1989-8_11.
Methionine metabolism impairment in human liver disease has been related with an alteration in SAM-synthetase. This deficiency is produced by a post-translational event since human liver cirrhosis presents normal levels of SAM-synthetase mRNA in spite of a more than 50% diminution in its activity. A series of different experiments on the structure and activity of this enzyme have provided strong evidence that SAM-synthetase is regulated by reduced/oxidized glutathione ratio. Restoration of glutathione levels by the addition of S-adenosyl-methionine or glutathione esters in various experimental conditions (buthionine sulfoximine and carbon tetrachloride intoxication) resulted in a normalization of the SAM-synthetase diminution caused by the toxics and an attenuation of the morfological alteration produced in the liver, including fiber production. This findings might have pharmacological implications in the treatment of liver diseases, since the possible beneficial effect of long term administration of SAM could include a reduction of fiber production.
3. l-Methionine sulfoximine, but not phosphinothricin, is a substrate for an acetyltransferase (gene PA4866) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa: structural and functional studies
Rebecca L Beavil, Renée Tata, Paul R Brown, Brian J Sutton, Anna M Davies Biochemistry . 2007 Feb 20;46(7):1829-39. doi: 10.1021/bi0615238.
The gene PA4866 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa is documented in the Pseudomonas genome database as encoding a 172 amino acid hypothetical acetyltransferase. We and others have described the 3D structure of this protein (termed pita) [Davies et al. (2005) Proteins: Struct., Funct., Bioinf. 61, 677-679; Nocek et al., unpublished results], and structures have also been reported for homologues from Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Rajashankar et al., unpublished results) and Bacillus subtilis [Badger et al. (2005) Proteins: Struct., Funct., Bioinf. 60, 787-796]. Pita homologues are found in a large number of bacterial genomes, and while the majority of these have been assigned putative phosphinothricin acetyltransferase activity, their true function is unknown. In this paper we report that pita has no activity toward phosphinothricin. Instead, we demonstrate that pita acts as an acetyltransferase using the glutamate analogues l-methionine sulfoximine and l-methionine sulfone as substrates, with Km(app) values of 1.3 +/- 0.21 and 1.3 +/- 0.13 mM and kcat(app) values of 505 +/- 43 and 610 +/- 23 s-1 for l-methionine sulfoximine and l-methionine sulfone, respectively. A high-resolution (1.55 A) crystal structure of pita in complex with one of these substrates (l-methionine sulfoximine) has been solved, revealing the mode of its interaction with the enzyme. Comparison with the apoenzyme structure has also revealed how certain active site residues undergo a conformational change upon substrate binding. To investigate the role of pita in P. aeruginosa, a mutant strain, Depp4, in which pita was inactivated through an in-frame deletion, was constructed by allelic exchange. Growth of strain Depp4 in the absence of glutamine was inhibited by l-methionine sulfoximine, suggesting a role for pita in protecting glutamine synthetase from inhibition.

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