
* Please be kindly noted products are not for therapeutic use. We do not sell to patients.

Category Antibiotics
Catalog number BBF-02609
CAS 7182-54-9
Molecular Weight 750.95
Molecular Formula C41H66O12
Purity >95% by HPLC

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A member of the macrotetrolide complex produced by a range of streptomyces species; a monovalent cation ionophore with high selectivity for ammonium and potassium; inhibits T-cell proliferation induced by IL-2 and cytokine production at nanomolar levels for IL-2, IL-4, IL-5 and IFN-γ. It is also resistant to gram-positive bacteria and mycobacteria.


Synonyms 4,13,22,31,37,38,39,40-Octaoxapentacyclo[,10.116,19.125,28]tetracontane-3,12,21,30-tetrone,5-ethyl-2,11,14,20,23,29,32-heptamethyl-, (1R,2R,5R,7R,10S,11S,14S,16S,19R,20R,23R,25R,28S,29S,32S,34S)-; Akd-1B
Storage Store at -20°C
IUPAC Name 5-ethyl-2,11,14,20,23,29,32-heptamethyl-4,13,22,31,37,38,39,40-octaoxapentacyclo[,10.116,19.125,28]tetracontane-3,12,21,30-tetrone
InChI InChI=1S/C41H66O12/c1-9-29-21-33-13-17-36(52-33)27(7)40(44)48-23(3)19-31-11-15-34(50-31)25(5)38(42)46-22(2)18-30-10-14-35(49-30)26(6)39(43)47-24(4)20-32-12-16-37(51-32)28(8)41(45)53-29/h22-37H,9-21H2,1-8H3
Source Streptomyces sp.


Appearance Colourless Film
Antibiotic Activity Spectrum Gram-positive bacteria; mycobacteria
Boiling Point 896.9°C at 760 mmHg
Melting Point 63-64°C
Density 1.035 g/cm3
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, methanol, DMF or DMSO. Poor water solubility.

Reference Reading

1. On the mechanism of sugar and amino acid interaction in intestinal transport
K Sigrist-Nelson, U Hopfer, H Murer J Biol Chem . 1975 Sep 25;250(18):7392-6.
The influence of amino acids on D-glucose transport was studied in isolated vesicles of brush border membrane from rat small intestine. It is demonstrated that: (a) Uptake of D-glucose by the membranes is inhibited by simultaneous flow of L- and D-alanine into the vesicles. (b) Addition of L-alanine to membranes pre-equilibrated with D-glucose causes efflux of this sugar. (c) The influence of amino acids on D-glucose is dependent on the presence of Na+. (d) The ionophorous agents monactin and valinomycin are able to prevent the transport interaction of D-glucose and amino acids. Monactin is effective in the presence of Na+ without further addition of other cations, while valinomycin is effective only with added K+, in accordance with the known specificity of these antibiotics. (e) The inhibitory effect increases with L-alanine concentration up to about 50 mM after which it levels off. The experiments provide evident that the Na+-dependent sugar and amino acid fluxes across the brush border membrane are coupled electrically.
2. Effects of nigericin and monactin on cation permeability of Streptococcus faecalis and metabolic capacities of potassium-depleted cells
J R Baarda, F M Harold J Bacteriol . 1968 Mar;95(3):816-23. doi: 10.1128/jb.95.3.816-823.1968.
At a concentration of 10(-6)m, nigericin and monactin inhibited growth of Streptococcus faecalis, and the inhibition was reversed by addition of excess K(+). In the presence of certain antibiotics, the cells exhibited increased permeability to certain cations; internal Rb(+) was rapidly lost by exchange with external H(+), K(+) Rb(+), and, more slowly, with Na(+) and Li(+). No effect was observed on the penetration of other small molecules. Cation exchanges induced by nigericin and monactin were metabolically passive and apparently did not involve the energy-dependent K(+) pump. When the cells were washed, the cytoplasmic membrane recovered its original impermeability to cations. By use of monactin, we prepared cells whose K(+) content had been completely replaced by other cations, and the metabolic characteristics of K(+)-depleted cells were studied. Cells containing only Na(+) glycolyzed almost as well as did normal ones and, under proper conditions, could accumulate amino acids and orthophosphate. These cells also incorporated (14)C-uracil into ribonucleic acid but incorporation of (14)C-leucine into protein was strictly dependent upon the addition of K(+). When K(+) or Rb(+) was added to sodium-loaded cells undergoing glycolysis, these ions were accumulated by stoichiometric exchange for Na(+). From concurrent measurements of the rate of glycolysis, it was calculated that one mole-pair of cations was exchanged for each mole of adenosine triphosphate produced.
3. The transport of potassium through lipid bilayer membranes by the neutral carriers valinomycin and monactin : Experimental studies to a previously proposed model
R Benz, G Stark J Membr Biol . 1971 Jun;5(2):133-53. doi: 10.1007/BF02107720.
Stationary conductance experiments on neutral and negatively charged bilayer membranes in the presence of valinomycin or monactin agree with a recently proposed carrier transport model, which is common to both carrier types. This model assumes an interface reaction between a cation from the aqueous solution and a carrier molecule from the membrane phase to establish charge transport across the interface. The transport across the membrane interior is described by some kind of "Eyring model". The discussion of the current-voltage characteristic, the dependence of membrane conductance on the carrier and K(+) concentrations, and the comparison with appropriate experiments allow correlation of the different rate constants of the transport model. The results show that the rate constants partly depend on the surface charge of the membranes. This dependency can be described by introducing the Gouy-Chapman theory for charged surfaces into the transport model.It was found that the carrier molecules could be added either to the aqueous phase or to the membrane-forming solution. The quantitative treatment of this phenomenon gives an evaluation of the partition coefficient of the carrier molecules between the membrane bulk phase and water.

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