Prochloraz Metabolite BTS 40348

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Prochloraz Metabolite BTS 40348
Category Others
Catalog number BBF-04105
CAS 67747-01-7
Molecular Weight 282.59
Molecular Formula C11H14Cl3NO

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A metabolite of pretilachlor.


Synonyms N-Propyl-N-[2-(2,4,6-tri-chloro phenoxy)ethyl]-amine
Storage Store at -20°C, Under Inert Atmosphere
IUPAC Name N-[2-(2,4,6-trichlorophenoxy)ethyl]propan-1-amine
InChI InChI=1S/C11H14Cl3NO/c1-2-3-15-4-5-16-11-9(13)6-8(12)7-10(11)14/h6-7,15H,2-5H2,1H3


Appearance Beige to Brown Oil
Boiling Point 361.1°C at 760 mmHg
Density 1.26 g/ml
Solubility Soluble in Chloroform, Methanol

Reference Reading

1. Synthesis and Structural Characterization of a Ubiquitous Transformation Product (BTS 40348) of Fungicide Prochloraz
Rubén Casas, Pilar G Rodríguez-Ortega, Bienvenida Gilbert-López, Antonio Marchal-Ingrain J Agric Food Chem . 2019 Aug 7;67(31):8641-8648. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.9b02305.
Prochloraz is a widely used imidazole fungicide that has to be analyzed together with its metabolites or transformation products for food safety monitoring purposes in the European Union. Although the focus in food of plant origin has been set on metabolites BTS 44595 and BTS 44596, we consider relevant the study of BTS 40348 metabolite, too, because it has been detected in both raw and processed foods based on citrus fruits in the EU. Metabolite BTS 40348 should be monitored in surface water due to its ecotoxicological effects. In this work, the synthesis and structural characterization of BTS 40348 metabolite of fungicide prochloraz is presented, because the structure is closely related to the chemistry and biological activity of the substance. Characterization using13C and1H NMR, infrared (IR), and Raman spectroscopy is detailed, together with confirmation by electrospray mass spectrometry analysis.

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