Sporidesmolide complex

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Category Others
Catalog number BBF-04293
CAS 11113-90-9
Molecular Weight 652.86 (for sporidesmolide II)
Molecular Formula C34H60N4O8 (for sporidesmolide II)
Purity >95% by HPLC

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It is a family of five closely related cyclic depsipeptides. Sporidesmolide complex contains three dominant components, I, II and V, with less quantities of the more polar III and only traces of sporidesmolide IV.


Related CAS 2900-38-1 (I) 3200-75-7 (II) 1803-67-4 (III) 10252-34-3 (IV) 127072-57-5 (V)
Storage Store at -20°C
Source Pithomyces sp.


Appearance Off-white to Light Tan Solid
Solubility Soluble in Ethanol, Methanol, DMF, DMSO

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* Our calculator is based on the following equation:
Concentration (start) x Volume (start) = Concentration (final) x Volume (final)
It is commonly abbreviated as: C1V1 = C2V2

* Total Molecular Weight:
Tip: Chemical formula is case sensitive. C22H30N4O c22h30n40

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