1.Preparation of a new oligolamellar stratum corneum lipid model.
Müller J, Schroeter A, Steitz R, Trapp M, Neubert R. Langmuir. 2016 Apr 8. [Epub ahead of print]
In this study, we present a preparation method for a new stratum corneum (SC) model system, which is closer to natural SC than the commonly used multilayer models. The complex setup of the native SC lipid matrix was mimicked by a ternary lipid mixture of ceramide [AP], cholesterol and stearic acid. A spin coating procedure was applied to realize oligo-layered samples. The influence of lipid concentration, rotation speed, polyethyleneimine, methanol content, cholesterol fraction and annealing on the molecular arrangement of the new SC-model was investigated by X-ray reflectivity measurements. The new oligo-SC-model is closer to native SC in the total number of lipid membranes found between corneocytes. The reduction in thickness provides the opportunity to study the effects of drugs and/or hydrophilic penetration enhancers on the structure of SC in full detail by X-ray or neutron reflectivity. In addition, the oligo-lamellar systems allows to infer not only the lamellar spacing, but also the total thickness of the oligo-SC-model and changes thereof can be monitored.
2.Interaction Between Albumin and Pluronic F127 Block Copolymer Revealed by Global and Local Physicochemical Profiling.
Neacsu MV, Matei I, Micutz M, Staicu T, Precupas A, Popa VT, Salifoglou A, Ionita G. J Phys Chem B. 2016 Apr 11. [Epub ahead of print]
The interaction of human serum albumin (HSA) with amphiphilic block copolymer Pluronic F127 has been investigated by several physical methods. Interest in studying this system stems from a broad range of bioactivities involving both macromolecules. Serum albumins constitute a significant class of proteins in the circulatory system, acting as carriers for a wide spectrum of compounds or assemblies. Pluronic block copolymers have revealed their capacity to ferry a variety of biologically active compounds. Circular dichroism, rheological measurements and differential scanning microcalorimetry (μDSC) were employed to get insight into the interaction betweeen the two macromolecules. The results reveal that Pluronic F127 induces conformational changes to albumin if it is organised in a micellar form, while albumin influences the self-assembly of Pluronic F127 into micelles or gels. F127 micelles, however, induce smaller conformational changes compared to ionic surfactants.
3.Hexadecenoic Fatty Acid Isomers in Human Blood Lipids and Their Relevance for the Interpretation of Lipidomic Profiles.
Sansone A1, Tolika E1, Louka M2, Sunda V2, Deplano S2, Melchiorre M2, Anagnostopoulos D3, Chatgilialoglu C3, Formisano C4, Di Micco R4, Faraone Mennella MR5, Ferreri C1. PLoS One. 2016 Apr 5;11(4):e0152378. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0152378. eCollection 2016.
Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) are emerging health biomarkers, and in particular the ratio between palmitoleic acid (9cis-16:1) and palmitic acid (16:0) affords the delta-9 desaturase index that is increased in obesity. Recently, other positional and geometrical MUFA isomers belonging to the hexadecenoic family (C16 MUFA) were found in circulating lipids, such as sapienic acid (6cis-16:1), palmitelaidic acid (9trans-16:1) and 6trans-16:1. In this work we report: i) the identification of sapienic acid as component of human erythrocyte membrane phospholipids with significant increase in morbidly obese patients (n = 50) compared with age-matched lean controls (n = 50); and ii) the first comparison of erythrocyte membrane phospholipids (PL) and plasma cholesteryl esters (CE) in morbidly obese patients highlighting that some of their fatty acid levels have opposite trends: increases of both palmitic and sapienic acids with the decrease of linoleic acid (9cis,12cis-18:2, omega-6) in red blood cell (RBC) membrane PL were reversed in plasma CE, whereas the increase of palmitoleic acid was similar in both lipid species.
4.Comparative Studies on the Characteristic Fatty Acid Profiles of Four Different Chinese Medicinal Sargassum Seaweeds by GC-MS and Chemometrics.
Chen Z1, Xu Y2, Liu T3, Zhang L4, Liu H5, Guan H6. Mar Drugs. 2016 Mar 29;14(4). pii: E68. doi: 10.3390/md14040068.
Sargassum seaweeds produce abundant biomass in China and have long been used as herbal medicine and food. Their characteristic fatty acid (FA) profiles and related potential function in promoting cardiovascular health (CVH) have not been systematically investigated. In this study, FA profiles of four medicinal Sargassum were characterized using GC-MS. Principal component analysis was used to discriminate the four medicinal Sargassum, and orthogonal projection to latent structures discriminant analysis was carried out between the two official species HAI ZAO and between the two folk medicine species HAI QIAN. In all of the algae investigated, the major SFA and MUFA were palmitic and stearic acid, respectively, while the major PUFAs were linoleic, arachidonic, and eicosapentaenoic acid. S. fusiforme and S. horneri had higher concentrations of PUFAs. With respect to CVH, all of the studied species, particularly S. fusiforme, exhibited satisfactory levels such as PUFA/SFA ratio and n-6/n-3 ratio.