Sulfamethoxazole Impurity A

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Sulfamethoxazole Impurity A
Category Others
Catalog number BBF-04138
CAS 21312-10-7
Molecular Weight 295.31
Molecular Formula C12H13N3O4S
Purity >95%

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A metabolite of Sulfamethoxazole.


Synonyms N-[4-[[(5-Methyl-3-isoxazolyl)amino]sulfonyl]phenyl]acetamide; 4'-Acetyl-3-sulfa-5-methylisoxazole; N4-Acetylsulfamethoxazole; STX 606; Sulfisomezole-N4-acetate
Storage Store at -20°C
IUPAC Name N-[4-[(5-methyl-1,2-oxazol-3-yl)sulfamoyl]phenyl]acetamide
Canonical SMILES CC1=CC(=NO1)NS(=O)(=O)C2=CC=C(C=C2)NC(=O)C
InChI InChI=1S/C12H13N3O4S/c1-8-7-12(14-19-8)15-20(17,18)11-5-3-10(4-6-11)13-9(2)16/h3-7H,1-2H3,(H,13,16)(H,14,15)


Appearance White Solid
Melting Point 231-234°C
Density 1.448 g/cm3
Solubility Soluble DMSO, Methanol

Reference Reading

1. Study and determination of elemental impurities by ICP-MS in active pharmaceutical ingredients using single reaction chamber digestion in compliance with USP requirements
Jussiane S S Oliveira, Paola A Mello, Erico M M Flores, Edson I Muller, Aline L H Muller Talanta . 2015 May;136:161-9. doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2014.12.023.
In this work a method for active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) digestion using the single reaction chamber (SRC-UltraWave™) system was proposed following the new recommendations of United States Pharmacopeia (USP). Levodope (LEVO), primaquine diphosphate (PRIM), propranolol hydrochloride (PROP) and sulfamethoxazole (SULF) were used to evaluate the digestion efficiency of the proposed method. A comparison of digestion efficiency was performed by measuring the carbon content and residual acidity in digests obtained using SRC and in digests obtained using conventional microwave-assisted digestion system (Multiwave(TM)). Three digestion solutions (concentrated HNO3, aqua regia or inverse aqua regia) were evaluated for digestion of APIs. The determination of Cd, Ir, Mn, Mo, Ni, Os, Pb, Pd, Pt, Rh, Ru was performed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) in standard mode. Dynamic reaction cell (DRC) mode was used for the determination of (51)V, (52)Cr, (53)Cr, (63)Cu and (65)Cu in order to solve polyatomic ion interferences. Arsenic and Hg were determined using chemical vapor generation coupled to ICP-MS (FI-CVG-ICP-MS). Masses of 500mg of APIs were efficiently digested in a SRC-UltraWave™ system using only HNO3 and allowing a carbon content lower than 250mg L(-1) in final digests. Inverse aqua regia was suitable for digestion of sample masses up to 250mg allowing the determination of Ir, Pd, Pt, Rh and Ru. By using HNO3 or inverse aqua regia, suitable recoveries were obtained (between 91 and 109%) for all analytes (exception for Os). Limits of quantification were in agreement with USP requirements and they ranged from 0.001 to 0.015µg g(-1) for all elemental impurities (exception for Os). The proposed method was suitable for elemental impurities determination in APIs and it can be used in routine analysis for quality control in pharmaceutical industries.
2. Selective production of singlet oxygen from zinc-etching hierarchically porous biochar for sulfamethoxazole degradation
Xiaoguang Duan, Mingxiu Zhan, Qunxing Huang, Xiaodong Li, Longjie Ji, Jianhua Yan, Chen Sun, Tong Chen Environ Pollut . 2021 Dec 1;290:117991. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.117991.
Porous carbons are appealing low-cost and metal-free catalysts in persulfate-based advanced oxidation processes. In this study, a family of porous biochar catalysts (ZnBC) with different porous structures and surface functionalities are synthesized using a chemical activation agent (ZnCl2). The functional biochars are used to activate persulfate for sulfamethoxazole (SMX) degradation. ZnBC-3 with the highest content of ketonic group (CO, 1.25 at%) exhibits the best oxidation efficiency, attaining a rate constant (kobs) of 0.025 min-1. The correlation coefficient of the density of CO to kobs(R2= 0.992) is much higher than the linearity of the organic adsorption capacity to kobs(R2= 0.694), implying that CO is the intrinsic active site for persulfate activation. Moreover, the volume of mesopore (R2= 0.987), and Zeta potential (R2= 0.976) are also positive factors in PS adsorption and catalysis. In the mechanistic study, we identified that singlet oxygen is the primary reactive oxygen species. It can attack the -NH2group aligned to the benzene ring to form dimer products which could be adsorbed on the biochar surface to reach complete removal of the SMX. The optimal pH range is 4-6 which will minimize the electrostatic repulsion between ZnBCs and the reactants. The SMX degradation in ZnBC/PS system was immune to inorganic anions but would compete with organic impurities in the real wastewater. Finally, the biochar catalysts are filled in hydrogel beads and packed in a flow-through packed-bed column. The continuous system yields a high removal efficiency of over 86% for 8 h without decline, this work provided a simple biochar-based persulfate catalyst for complete antibiotics removal in salty conditions.
3. Facile fabrication of Fe-TiO2 thin film and its photocatalytic activity
Milagrosa Ramírez-Del-Solar, Almudena Aguinaco, Beatriz Amaya Environ Sci Pollut Res Int . 2022 Apr;29(16):23292-23302. doi: 10.1007/s11356-021-17425-2.
Fe3+-TiO2(Fe-TiO2) thin films were successfully prepared using a "sandwich" approach. TiO2NPs were doped with different Fe3+content (0.05%, 0.1%, 0.2% molar ratio), and the modified TiO2NPs were deposited on glass flat support by dip coating.Structural, morphological, optical, and photocatalytic properties of Fe-TiO2thin films were studied. XPS spectra confirm the presence of Ti, Fe, O, and defective -OH groups at the material surface. The Fe 2p spectrum demonstrates the existence of Fe3+. SEM images indicate that the incorporation of Fe3+deforms in some degree the homogeneity of the TiO2system. Additionally, incorporation of Fe3+ions to the network creates an impurity band near the VB due to the oxygen vacancies, resulting in the reduction of the effective optical band gap. Photocatalytic activity of fabricated thin films in the elimination of sulfamethoxazole (SMT) follows pseudo first-order kinetics. The highest SMT removal yields were achieved using the sample with 0.05%Fe. Additionally, the use of greater thicknesses improves the removal performance. However, material detachment limits the maximum usable value around 6 µm.Finally, stability and reusability of catalysts were confirmed studying the photocatalytic activity over three cycles and evaluating that no Fe3+leaching occurred.

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