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Metabolic Engineering

    BOC Sciences is a leading fermentation CDMO. We have been established comprehensive strain development platform. With microbial metabolic engineering, we are able to modify the genes and pathways of microorganisms to produce the desired products to meet the individual needs of our customers.

    What is Metabolic Engineering?

    In the world of biotechnology, metabolic engineering has been revolutionizing various industries, from pharmaceuticals to agriculture and beyond. Metabolic engineering is a multidisciplinary field that integrates principles from genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, and systems biology. At its core, it is the manipulation of cellular metabolic pathways in living organisms to enhance or create desired products. These products can range from biofuels, pharmaceuticals, and specialty chemicals to food ingredients and environmental-friendly materials.

    The process involves identifying key enzymes or regulatory elements within the organism's metabolic pathways and modifying them to improve the production of the desired compounds. By modifying the microbial factories, BOC Sciences's scientific team can optimize the production of specific metabolites.

    Microbial Metabolic Engineering

    Metabolic Engineering and Industrial Products

    BOC Sciences offers a variety of industrial scale products through metabolic engineering and microbial fermentation.

    Metabolic Engineering Techniques

    We utilize synthetic biology and metabolic engineering methods to precisely control the production of desired compounds.

    • Genetic Manipulation: Specific genes are inserted, modified, or deleted to alter the metabolic pathways of the target organism. CRISPR-Cas9 enables precise genome editing with unprecedented accuracy.
    • Pathway Engineering: The introduction of genes from different organisms to create novel pathways or enhance existing ones. By combining enzymes from various sources, synthetic pathways capable of producing complex molecules efficiently can be builded.
    • Directed Evolution: It can be used to improve the efficiency of specific enzymes involved in the synthesis of target compounds.
    • Transcriptional and Translational Regulation: Controlling when and how much a particular gene is transcribed or translated can significantly impact the metabolic flux and, consequently, the production of desired compounds.

    Microbial Metabolic Engineering

    Microbial metabolic engineering involves the manipulation of microorganisms, such as bacteria and yeast, to enhance their ability to produce valuable compounds. Microbes are particularly attractive candidates for metabolic engineering due to their rapid growth, ease of manipulation, and well-characterized genetic systems. One notable example of microbial metabolic engineering is the production of insulin using Escherichia coli. Through genetic modifications, E. coli can be turned into a miniature insulin factory.

    Yeast Metabolic Engineering

    Yeast, a type of single-celled fungus, has been a focus of metabolic engineering efforts. Saccharomyces cerevisiae has a long history in food and beverage industry. Metabolic engineering has enabled the production of a variety of valuable products through yeast fermentation. S. cerevisiae can be engineered to produce specialty chemicals, active pharmaceuticals ingredients, fragrances, etc.

    Cell-Free Metabolic Engineering

    Cell-free metabolic engineering represents a novel approach to bypass some of the limitations associated with working with living cells. Instead of relying on intact microorganisms, this technique utilizes cell-free extracts containing only the necessary enzymes and components for specific metabolic reactions. Cell-free metabolic engineering shows promise in the rapid prototyping and optimization of metabolic pathways, potentially accelerating the development of new industrial processes.

    Metabolic Engineering Applications

    • Pharmaceuticals: It has revolutionized pharmaceutical production, allowing the synthesis of complex drug molecules using microbial hosts.
    • Chemical Production: It aids in the sustainable production of chemicals and materials, reducing the environmental impact of traditional chemical manufacturing.
    • Agriculture: Metabolic engineering has potential applications in crop improvement, increasing yield, and enhancing resistance to diseases and environmental stresses.
    • Bioremediation: Metabolic engineering can be used to design microorganisms that can clean up pollutants and contaminants from the environment.

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